Discussing, Learning, and Using Delphi and related technologies to create Great Applications!

More PHP

June, 2006


This month, the topic will continue our exploration of PHP. Last month was an introduction, this month we’ll get more advanced. The topic will largely be directed by the audience, but will try to at least touch on the following topics:

  • Setting up PHP, Apache, MySQL on Windows (WAMP)
  • Configuration of PHP.INI (Development vs Production)
  • How to control your web application with .htaccess
  • Security issues

We’ll also see some sample web pages generated with PHP and try to address any other topics the group wants to talk about.


The Presentation will be given by Ken Cobun, a long-time ODUG member. Ken started using Turbo Pascal in 1986 and moved on to Dephi up to version 6. He’s been using PHP since 2002 in LAMP and WAMP environments.