Discussing, Learning, and Using Delphi and related technologies to create Great Applications!

Content Management Systems

October, 2006


Due to the high interest in Content Management Systems (CMSs) and PHP scripting, we’ll spend this month’s meeting discussing them. There won’t be a formal presentation, but there will be a laptop with a working copy of WAMP (Windows/Apache/MySQL/PHP) and at least Drupal and Joomla! loaded.

To get you started on a good discussion, here are some web sites for reference you can browse beforehand:


David Cornelius has been using Borland’s software development tools since the mid-80’s. He is the coordinator of the Oregon Delphi User Group, works for Retail Dimensions, and runs a contract software development business (CorneliusConcepts.com) and a web hosting company (Sohlius) with a friend in his “spare” time.