Attributes and RTTI
May, 2012
Attributes, a language feature brought over from .NET and Java (known as “annotation”), are a language feature of Delphi introduced in version 2010 that allow annotating types and type members with special objects that carry additional information. This information can be queried at run time using RTTI, or Run Time Type Information. Along with existing OOP mechanisms (inheritance and ownership) you can now use annotations for a class and class members to further define what your classes are capable of.
We will cover attributes in depth, show examples of their use and provide some units of code you can take home and use in your projects.
David Cornelius has been developing software since the mid-80’s. He is the coordinator of the Oregon Delphi User Group and is a software development manager at Retail Dimensions. You can read more about him and his programming interests on his web site, Cornelius Concepts.