Discussing, Learning, and Using Delphi and related technologies to create Great Applications!


March, 2013


On February 5, Embarcadero announced the purchase of a popular third party data access component library named AnyDAC. They have rebranded the library FireDAC for consistency with their new FireMonkey brand, although FireDAC doesn’t rely on FireMonkey in any way. FireDAC ships with the Enterprise, Ultimate and Architect SKUs and may be purchased by Pro users as a component pack. In the end, this appears to be a replacement of the dbExpress stack that Embarcadero has previously developed internally. As a result it’s a very significant change in direction for the company.

Ron Grove will present a basic history of AnyDAC and provide an overview of key product features. Afterwards he will field more specific questions folks may have and encourage discussion about what this may or may not mean for those in attendance.


Ron Grove has done a couple short tutorial videos for AnyDAC online. They are hosted on YouTube, but may also be found on his own site at RonGrove.com. The video “First Steps to use AnyDAC” was also linked to in the official AnyDAC help files as a brief introduction, though the presenter expects Embarcadero to use their own videos going forward.


Ron Grove has been in the IT Services area for many years but has become an superb Delphi programmer with a strong interest in a broad spectrum of development technologies including .NET and mobile. He currently works at Retail Dimensions.