Discussing, Learning, and Using Delphi and related technologies to create Great Applications!

RAD Studio XE5 - First Looks

January, 2014


Two of our regular attendees have upgraded to Embarcadero’s latest version of Delphi and in fact, the whole RAD Studio suite. This month, we’ll crack open the packages and take a look with them.

Doug Ausmus will show us his version of a “Hello World” which involves calling an external DLL to talk through a USB port to electronic circuit boards and watching LEDs blink.

Gene Juhos will show us what all we get when we start a new Android app from one of the several built-in mobile app templates.


Doug Ausmus started playing with electronics when he was 4 using an “Electric Build-it Set” which he earned by selling, with his brother, 12 boxes of “All Occasion” greeting cards door to door from an ad in a comic book. Programming with assembly language started in the mini computer days on a DEC PDP 11 and with microcomputers in the Intel 4004 days and later other vendors and chips as they came on the scene. He has never been without electronics and programming since and made it his business as well as one of his hobbies.

Gene Juhos has been working with Delphi since version 3. Before that he used the Pascal language on the Apple Lisa. He started his programming career writing code for an IBM 3741. He’s written useful code in COBOL, FORTRAN, C, C++, Assembler, and CADOL. Currently, his business, Sysmatics, converts proprietary character based business applications to Delphi for several customers.