Discussing, Learning, and Using Delphi and related technologies to create Great Applications!

Embarcadero MVP Visit

July, 2019


Glenn Dufke, an Embarcadero MVP, will be visiting Portland in July and would like to meet fellow Delphi developers around the world. While here, he offered to stop by our group and talk to us on the following topics:

  • Briefly go through how to set up RAD Studio to build and compile for Android Things and what you can do with it;
  • Current status of Delphi, the direction it’s currently taking and what’s to come–most importantly why we should keep using the product and the cool new solutions we can build (it’s not just for maintaining existing customer solutions);
  • Finally we will look at how you can couple Delphi as a back-end with multiple front-ends for different platforms and still access your data; we will also look at how you can build a REST Server and Client with MARS Curiosity – the open source REST server framework written by Andrea Magni.

If there’s time left, he will also demo TFrameStand and discuss what it can do to build powerful and dynamic multi platform user interfaces the easy way.

Don’t miss our meeting in July!


To accommodate as many people as possible, we are moving the start time for this month’s meeting to 4:00 pm.


Glenn Dufke, an Embarcadero MVP, who has a passion for Delphi and is very knowledgeable on related topics. He is planning on moving his business to the Portland, Oregon area from Denmark!