Discussing, Learning, and Using Delphi and related technologies to create Great Applications!

Web Frameworks

September, 2019


In July, we had a Delphi MVP briefly cover a variety of topics, one of them was MARS Curiosity, the open source REST server framework written by Andrea Magni. This month, Glenn Dufke is back and will dive more deeply into that framework.

Further back this year, we explored another open source web server project, DMVC Framework, written by Daniele Teti, and will bring this out as time allows to compare the two.

Both of these web frameworks ease the work of getting a web server built in Delphi serving REST APIs to web and mobile clients. Come see the demos, ask questions, and decide which one is best for you!


Glenn Dufke, an Embarcadero MVP, who has a passion for Delphi and is very knowledgeable on related topics. He is moving his business to the Portland, Oregon area from Denmark!

David Cornelius, is a contract software developer building applications for almost any platform, creating client/server, e-commerce integrations for Retail Pro, and hosting Windows applications in the cloud. He programs mostly with Delphi and uses several web technologies. You can read more about him at Cornelius Concepts, LLC.