Discussing, Learning, and Using Delphi and related technologies to create Great Applications!

Advent of Code

December, 2024


For the last 10 years, a set of programming challenges has been produced on a daily basis from the beginning of December until Christmas. It is called Advent of Code, a name derived from the “Advent Calendars” popular this time of year where kids open a daily tab on a wall-hung calendar to reveal a surprise as they count down the days until Christmas.

People around the world have tapped into this delightful tradition, tackling the problems in a wide variety of programming languages. Challenges have been known to show up in interviews and college exams; some take it seriously and either stay up late or get up early to be the first to solve the daily puzzle, others just do as many as time allows for the fun of the challenge.

Here is an excellent (and fun to watch) video explaining what AoC is all about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZ8DcbhojOw

At this month’s meeting, we’ll read through some of the challenges, discuss possible solutions, and try solving some of the problems together.

EDIT: There were a few slides in a PowerPoint that I was going to show but forgot to put it on the laptop I brought to the meeting; you can download it here. (Note: it may seem a little disjointed and incomplete but it does contain several links to interesting sites and was only going to be used to augment the time we spent in code.)


Wednesday, December 18, 2024 6:00 - 8:00 PM


Round Table Pizza in Lake Oswego
16444 SW Boones Ferry RD
Lake Oswego, OR 97035
