Discussing, Learning, and Using Delphi and related technologies to create Great Applications!

Delphi 8 Tour!

September, 2004


Borland will be presenting Delphi 8 in locations throughout the US. We’ll show you all the reasons why you should make Delphi 8 part of your .NET plans.

Here’s a very brief taste of what we’ll be looking at:

  • ECO (Enterprise Core Objects)
  • WinForms
  • WebForms (ASP.NET)
  • BDP for .NET (Borland Data Providers)
  • VCL for .NET
  • IDE features
  • Compiler/language feature

There will be a special discounted offer at these meetings. You do not want to miss out on the substantial savings! The discount is 25% off on Delphi 8 Architect and Enterprise and 15% off on Delphi 8 Professional. Both new and upgrade pricing. More details at the meetings.

Raffle! We will also raffle off at least one copy of Delphi 8 Enterprise at each meeting.


Anders Ohlsson from Borland Software Corporation (borland.com)